
Nostalgic Universe

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The Hurt Ones

Grab your copy now.

Harsh began writing poetry when he was only a child, but one fateful day, he decided to look back. It was only then that he realised he had something that most poetry books lacked. While still only a teenager, Harsh noticed that life encompasses more than the simple routes of love and loss that other poets tend to focus on. Life holds both hidden beauties and traumatising horrors, tucked intricately within its own pages, jumbled amongst themselves to further hide the signs of their existence.

The stunning new poetry collection from Harsh Bhardwaj, only for the hurt ones, unsuitable content for minors and ununderstandable content for the not-hurt ones. Divided into five chapters, the hurt ones is a journey of breaking, falling, awaking, rising, and taking. Its an emotional roller coaster which consists of not only pain, sorrow and grief but also healing, perseverance and motivation.

If you choose to read this book of poems, you will be met with many stories that the author experienced over the years, whether they be his own, or those he uncovered while peering down the path of another. A book of not only 100 poems, but 100 life stories seen and experienced throughout the author’s childhood, adolescent, and teenage years. Tales of grief, loss, sadness and pain, combatted by healing, hope, love and companionship.